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If you want your generator to work for you, you cannot wait for winter to start preparations. You must take measures to get your generator ready in the fall so it can serve you through the harsh months ahead. Here are some maintenance tips to assist you.

Check the Oil and Add More If Needed

Before winter storms arrive, take advantage of the mild fall weather to check the level of your oil and change it if necessary. The key is to make sure your generator is ready to go when inclement weather hits. By the time the cold sets in, you may have a more difficult time finding oil when you need it because everyone else will scramble to prepare for storms during that time.

Furthermore, note that after the generator runs for 50 or 60 hours, you will need to perform an oil change. Even if you do not run your generator for that long, you should top up your oil. Experts recommend that you always keep at least a quart of oil on hand to top up your supply.

Clear Leaves Away From Your Generator

The changing colors of fall leaves are a beauty to behold. However, while the leaves are nice to look at, they can wreak havoc on your generator. To prevent your generator from overheating and failing, clear leaves away from it and check to make certain they are not clogging your end louvers or rear vent.

Procure a New Battery If Needed

Because generator batteries are on constant charge, they are under significant stress, and they have a shorter life span than some other types of batteries. Have an electrician check your generator battery and replace it if needed.

Stock Your Fuel Supplies

In addition to filling your generator with fuel, you should also stock up on extra fuel supplies. Make sure to store your fuel in a safe place away from flammable items.

Have Your Generator Inspected

To make certain that your generator can adequately power your home when storms knock out the grid, you should schedule an inspection. During the inspection, an electrician will check for oil and fuel leaks, examine the belts, change or clean the air filter, inspect the battery, check the wiring, inspect the exhaust system, and examine all components. You should schedule a generator inspection once each year.

Power outages during cooler weather should never bring you discomfort. To make sure your generator is running at peak performance and will supply electricity to your Ann Arbor, MI home, contact us at Current Electrical Systems for an inspection or any other generator services. We understand how unpredictable Michigan weather can be, so we will help you achieve some stability by ensuring your home continues to function even during the worst weather.

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